So, this is the current thumbnail suggesting that you use it for football:
But this paper has a lot of options! Here are the other sports available:
• Baseball
• Basketball
• Bowling
• 8-Ball
• Golf
• Hockey
• Soccer
• White Softball
• Yellow Softball
• Tennis
• Volleyball
• Rugby
• Cricket!
Yes! You read those options correctly!
White Softball *AND* Yellow Softball!
And Rugby and Cricket!
How many often can you find items for either of those sports?!!
But, another option that not a lot of you realize, you can SKIP the sport!!!
Just do flames!!
Is something really "hot"?
Or is the local Fire Department doing an event?
Or was there a big bon fire event?
Maybe camp fires are big for you?
Take special orders and choose "Flames" for the option on this template.
Btw, we will be adding font options to this paper.
And maybe another text location....
Not sure yet!