I'm a "numbers gal" (along with being a crafter - YES! You can be both at the same time!!)
so I love looking at the numbers and analyzing things!!
So, in case you are as curious as I am, I thought I'd share our Top 5 most popular templates with you
(well, year-to-date anyway)...
In first place:
#908 - Custom Diagonal Spirit Names
This one is BY FAR your most favorite!!!
This template holds the top spot by nearly 2x the #2 position!
I love it too!! I like the diversity between the two fonts and font sizes.
Plus, I think that the fonts were really good choices!
And I like the ability to have two different lines of text.
If you could, is there anything you would change??
In second place is:
#906 - Custom Spirit Names
Also quite a leader ahead of our third place template, this template is extremely popular.
Probably because of the two different lines of text with the ability to customize each color.
Why do you like it?
Coming in at #3 is
#1820 - Make It Your Own
You guys LOVE to customize!!!
And, stay tuned because we are still fine tuning our full-page-image-upload template,
PLUS, I have some other fun ideas in store for this template that I hope to share with you soon!
Your #4 selection is
#901 - Custom Marbled
We like to do companion pages with this one leaving one of the sets of words as "No Color" so that you can make a set that go together, but are different. It encourages customers to buy two sheets instead of just one.
The "suggestive sell" helps both the customer and the store! The customer gets informed about how to use the product and the store gets a higher average ticket.
And still making a strong showing at #5 is:
#927 - Custom Varied Spirit Names
I *love* this template!! I will admit, however, that it can be frustrating with certain word combinations...
I have that on my UBER long list of "to do's": to see if there is something that can be done about it. Unfortunately, my gut feeling is "no".... we'll probably have to live with it like it is!
Our workaround is to switch around words or add words to make things work out a bit better.
I still love it, in spite of its periodic frustration!!!
And, in case you were curious... here are the rest of the top 10:
#6 - 922
#7 - 921
#8 -907
#9 - 904
#10 - 926
So... what do you think???
Do you agree?
Do you completely disagree??
Which is your favorite?
And, do I dare ask, which is your least favorite????