Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cart Management

Tom and I were discussing the system the other day and I realized that there is a chance that not everyone knows about creating a "saved" cart or how easy it is to reorder, so I thought I'd give a quick overview (definitely email me if you have questions!!!).

First of all, if you have Cookies enabled, you can create a cart and leave the system, and everything will stay in your cart.

BUT, say you have a standard "cast of characters" that you want to remember to order each time.  You can SAVE that set of items in a saved cart and just copy it out each time!
  • Create the items that you want and put them in your cart
  • At the bottom of the page, to the left of the green Checkout button, you will see a grey button that says "Save Cart":

  • A Dialogue Box will open and it will ask you to "Select Cart". You can either choose one in your list already, or at the bottom of the lists of your carts, it will say "Create new cart..."
  • The next choice is copy or move. If you click on move, you will move your cart to a saved cart.
  • If you choose to create a new cart, wait until the bottom box changes to say "Name" (it sometimes takes a moment)
  • Then enter the name you want and click "Assign List". If you use IE, watch for the circular arrow spinning to see that it's still thinking about it. But after that, if you look at the top, you will see your "Current" Cart tab (with the number of items in your cart) and to the right of it, your "Saved" Cart tab.
  • If you click on Saved, there is a drop down list where you can select the cart you want.
  • Once you are looking at them, you can click on the ones that you want to reorder and click "Add Selected to Cart" (at the bottom), or you can delete ones individually with the garbage can to the left of each line, or you can click mark a bunch and choose "Remove" at the bottom to get rid of several at once.
A couple of notes:
  • Are backgrounds of the items on your list pink? That means that they are from an older version and they need to be updated to the current version (notice that they don't show the words used in the template)
  • Do you want to delete a cart? There are a couple of ways to do it, but the easiest, IMO, is to open the cart, click the top clickmark box (the one that selects every item on the list) and click "Remove". Again, sometimes it takes a second or two, but then the list name will be gone (along with all of the items, so BE SURE that's what you want to do before you do it!!)

Some Ideas:
  • Create a Saved Cart for items you want to make sure that you ALWAYS have in stock and call it "Always". Then, each time that you order, check on that cart and copy over items you need into your current basket.
  • Create a Saved Cart for each of your high schools. Do you do a lot of different schools and reordering gets confusing? Create a Saved Cart for each school. While you might have a lot of different carts to review, you won't get schools confused.

How do you used saved carts??? Did you know that they were there???

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